Sunday, July 26, 2015

#98: Double Rainbow! What Could It Mean???

If you come into this entry with an open heart and mind, then please continue reading. I've been writing this entry for like 2 months now, even before the Supreme Court passed the new law in favor of marriage equality. And then, after the law passed, I had to go back and tweak it again to make sure it mentioned that the law had actually passed. Now, I think I finally made it reflect exactly what I want to say. So in light of the new marriage equality law, I want to address some questions and common misconceptions surrounding gay rights and Christianity – at least my perspective on them. I was raised in the church, and I know a lot about Christianity and the Bible. So I’m going to attempt to explain this in the best way possible. Here are some common gay rights/Christianity questions, statements, and common misconceptions with my responses:

1. Is homosexuality a mental disease? Is it a random mutation in the brain, or is it hereditary? Is it a personal choice? I’ve heard of some studies that have been done about a pair of twins, one of which turned out to be straight, and the other turned out to be gay. Doesn’t that prove that homosexuality is a choice?

I definitely wouldn’t consider homosexuality a disease. I mean, that has a negative connotation to it, and I definitely don’t think there’s anything wrong with being gay. And there’s certainly no medicine you could prescribe to make someone suddenly attracted to the opposite sex, rather than the same sex. But it’s certainly not a choice. The lifestyle you choose is certainly your choice, but your feelings of love for another human being and attraction for a certain type of person is not a choice any more than feelings of sadness, anger, excitation, and happiness are a choice. You feel what you feel. If you really want to know if it’s a choice, ask a gay person. Any gay person will tell you they did not choose this for themselves. Why would they actively choose to join the most hated group of people in the country who, up until recently, were denied their equal rights? If you’re still not convinced, ask yourself if you specifically chose to be straight. Did you sit down one day and say “Hey, I think I’m going to be straight?” Or did you just always have those feelings? It’s the same the other way around too. As far as the study mentioned goes, that is a terrible study that has had a lot of criticism. The fact that one twin was gay, and the other was straight, has no bearing on whether or not homosexuality is hereditary or a choice. This study argues that this proves that homosexuality is not hereditary, since one twin ended up being straight, and therefore, it must be a choice. First off, just because it is not hereditary doesn’t mean that it is not something in the brain that the person has no control over. It just means that it’s not a trait that can be passed down from one generation to the next. And even if that trait was only passed down to one twin, that doesn’t at all mean that it’s not hereditary. Something that is hereditary usually skips a lot of generations. If one twin is born “normal,” and the other twin is born with Down Syndrome, does that mean the second twin specifically “chose” to have Down Syndrome? This is simply not a valid study. If you want a good, interesting study that has some real bearing, check out This is a study that literally found some differences between the brains of heterosexual and homosexual people. The brains of gay men and heterosexual women appeared the same, with the two halves of the brain being the same size. Conversely, the brains of gay women and heterosexual men appeared the same, with one of the two halves being larger than the other half. This, along with many other studies, is pretty darn clear evidence that sexual orientation is out of our control. Dr. Qazi Rahman even said “As far as I’m concerned, there is no argument anymore. If you are gay, you are born gay.” Furthermore, homosexuality occurs in 100s of species all over the world. Besides, even if it was a choice, it doesn’t matter. What someone else does with his/her life is no one’s business but his/her own.

2.       Gay is not natural, so it must be wrong.

First off, as I just mentioned, homosexuality occurs in 100s of species all over the world. If it happens in animals, then it’s natural. If the study I just mentioned above shows that human brains have a different make-up depending on the person’s sexual orientation, then that is something that naturally occurred when these people were born, and therefore, it is natural. Second, who says natural = right? Just because something is different and foreign from what we are used to, doesn’t mean it’s bad, or that we should fear it. Never fear what you don’t know. We use all kinds of unnatural products and eat all kinds of unnatural foods, and no one bats an eye. Do you think Cheetos grow from the ground? No, but they’re DELICIOUS!

3.       Why are you defending them? Are YOU gay?

I don’t have to be just like someone in order to have compassion for fellow human beings.

4.       The Bible says homosexuality is a sin.

I’ve heard a bunch of arguments to refute this, or at least to rationalize it, so I hope you guys like to read. First off, most of the anti-gay Bible verses are in the Old Testament, particularly Leviticus. Now, whenever I point out some crazy Bible verse that is obviously outdated or clearly misguided, whatever Christian I’m speaking to always follows up with something to the effect of “Once Jesus died for our sins, the Old Testament was rendered null and void, so the New Testament is what we go by now.” If this is true, then why is Leviticus 18:22 the verse that most Christians turn to when refuting the idea that homosexuality isn’t a sin? That’s just a shower thought I kind of wanted to throw out there. You know what else Leviticus says? It gives us permission to own slaves, mandates that women should be locked up when on their periods, and forbids us from eating shellfish. Leviticus forbids us from getting tattoos and cutting our hair. It teaches that it is ok and even necessary to burn people to death and stone them. This is the same book of the Bible that says homosexuality is an abomination! Is it just me, or does this sound nuts? And I know that this is the Old Testament and not to be followed anymore. But a lot of Christians still cite their sources from this testament, including the most common anti-gay verse of Leviticus (18:22.) So it seems to me that, if all of these crazy verses are archaic, and no one follows them anymore, then we shouldn’t follow Leviticus 18:22 anymore either. One theory is that a lot of teachings of the Bible are, indeed, archaic. They were written for the times, but this is 2015, and we don’t follow a lot of these rules anymore. Another theory is that the Bible is a metaphor. I mean, think about it. In Genesis, the moon is described as “a light in the sky.” We know the moon is not a light, and if a divine being who knows exactly what the moon is was explaining the idea of the moon, one would think this divine being would not call it a “light.” There are tons of examples like this one. That’s why I think that, when it comes to the Bible, it’s possible we’re supposed to take all the stories as a metaphor and learn from the lessons presented. Isn’t that the whole point, anyway? Another thing to focus on is the words that are printed in red. If you read those, you’ll never read anything that is judgmental, demeaning, uncompassionate, or accusatory, because these are words spoken by Jesus himself. And most importantly, you’ll only read about how you can become a better person, not how you should mandate how other people live their lives. Remember, first and foremost, the Bible mandates to love one another as you would love yourself, to never judge someone else, and to live by example.

On to the next theory! Now, obviously, most people don’t read Hebrew, so it’s kind of hard to say if you don’t speak the language, but there are some people who speak both English and Hebrew who have studied the Bible extensively (or at least certain parts of it,) particularly many pastors and rabbis. Several of these people I’m referring to, including a pastor who lives in my hometown, preach that Jesus NEVER mentioned anything about homosexuality in the original Hebrew teachings of the Bible. According to Emory University’s Rabbi Gershon Steinberg-Caudill, “Sadly, the reality of our human history is that the texts of Leviticus (and Deuteronomy,) which were utilized by the teachers and rabbis of the Jewish tradition to condemn homosexuality, were so employed under a direct and constant danger and THREAT from the dominant and controlling Christian governmental and ecclesiastical authorities who needed to have the ‘perceived’ Jewish interpretation of the texts, as taught by the Jewish rabbinical authorities, to be in accordance with their own Christian commentaries and teachings on homosexuality and what they believed (falsely) to be sexual perversion. Thus, they kept a close watch on what the Jewish rabbis wrote about subjects sensitive to Church dogma.” This is why many atheists and agnostics do not believe the teachings of the Bible, and why a lot of people only believe certain teachings from it – Because they believe that the government at the time had a say in what was written and forced the writers to write what they wanted written, so as to push their own personal agenda. It’s also this idea that the Bible is essentially a game of “Telephone,” because it’s been translated through so many different languages. Not only could someone make whatever changes they wanted to the teachings during translation, but translations between languages are often blurred, meaning that there are often no direct translations, so you just have to do the best you can when changing a book from one language to another. Anyone who is bilingual understands this struggle! I speak English and Spanish, and sometimes there’s just no way to explain what someone said in one of those languages to someone who only speaks the other language. I mean this is a highly likely scenario, if you think about it. It’s twisted, and it threatens the very idea of following the book at all, because how are we to know which part of it was written for a real reason, and which part of it was warped by governmental authorities or lost in translation? It puts everyone between a rock and a hard place, but it’s highly logical that this could have happened. And whether you believe the original Hebrew texts mention homosexuality or not, this is just one theory. I mean there’s no way for most of us to know, because we don’t read Hebrew, and no one was around to understand how the government was back then. I’m just throwing this out there to make everyone think, but there are other theories.

Now, if you don’t buy this, maybe reading into some verses will be a bit enlightening. Since I’ve been talking about it so much, why don’t we talk about Leviticus 18:22 for a minute: “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination.” Daniel Karslake, director of The Bible Tells Me So, maintains that the word “abomination” is derived from the Hebrew word “toe’vah,” which means “contrary to ritual.” According to Karslake, “Leviticus was the holiness code, designed to further the tribe of the Jewish nation, which is why it didn’t look very kindly on men having sex with men, since sex was needed for procreation.” And let’s also remember that this verse is in the Old Testament, which was supposed to have become null and void after Jesus died. Let’s take an entire story for instance now: Sodom & Gomorrah, the story of Genesis 19. In the story, God sent two angels into Sodom, and they met a man named Lot. Lot let them into his home and fed them and gave them a place to sleep, which is great, but then a bunch of townspeople tried to gang rape the two angels. Lot wouldn’t let that happen, which is also great, but he offered up his two virgin daughters for gang rape instead, which in my eyes, is outrageously terrible too, so it boggles my mind that, at the end of the story, God spared Lot for being the “good guy,” but whatever. Anyway, the point is, people love to point fingers at this passage and say it was all about homosexuality, because the men in the town were trying to have sex with the angels, who were also men. Talk about a total warp of the story! This story was about God being disappointed in the townspeople’s inhospitality and attempted gang RAPE. Nowhere does the story actually mention that homosexuality was even a concern, but I guess that might depend on which version of the Bible you read. Let’s also be reminded that this is a story in the Old Testament. I’ve also heard this verse: Romans 1:26-27 – “For this reason, God gave them up to degrading passions. Their women exchanged natural intercourse for unnatural, and in the same way, also the men, giving up natural intercourse with women, were consumed with passion for one another. Men committed shameless acts with men, and received in their own persons, their due penalty for their error.” Ok, these verses sound pretty bad, and there are quite a few theories as to what this means. According to Karslake, this verse was more than likely written to switch Christian focus onto procreation, because back then, it was needed for survival. However, we currently have 7 billion people on the planet, when the earth is only intended to hold 1 million people, so… I’m thinking procreation is no longer a huge issue. And, as for my personal take on the matter, God obviously isn’t too keen on lusty sex out of wedlock, so maybe that was what is being referred to here – the fact that these people were married to someone else, but they decided to have lusty, adulterous sex with each other. One theory that is really great is that of Mark Sandlin, who is a Christian who contextualizes the Bible through critical thinking and the examination of history. We’ll start with the fact that the key word here is “natural.” The verse says that these people gave up their “natural” intercourse for “unnatural” intercourse. What’s interesting here is the fact that, as I mentioned before, this has been translated from another language – and pretty poorly. The Greek word “physikos” is what was used in the original written text here. That word is very difficult to translate into English. Essentially, it doesn’t mean what is “natural” in the world. It is defined as what is “natural” to oneself, meaning what and who you are and always were. In this case, these people were always straight, so turning around and doing something that is not what you are and always were is not being true to yourself, and therefore, it is wrong. If this theory is correct, then telling someone to commit gay acts when he/she is straight is wrong, but by the same token, pushing a gay person to “become” straight is the exact same sin! Because God wants you to be true to yourself and who you have always been and always will be. If you want more information on this and other seemingly anti-gay verses in the Bible, check out this awesome article: I’m sure, by now, you are all thinking about 1 Corinthians 6:9-10:  “"Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived. Neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor effeminate (malakoi) nor abusers of themselves with mankind (arsenokoitai) nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkards nor revilers nor extortioners shall inherit the kingdom of God." I have included in this passage the Greek words that were used in the original version of the Bible. Back in the first century A.D, “malakoi” was never used to describe gay men or lesbians. Literally, it was meant to describe heterosexual men who followed the Greek custom of shaving their faces daily. But the word was typically meant to describe people who were morally weak or prostitutes. The word “arsenokoitai” was also never defined to mean gay men or lesbians back in the first century A.D. It was typically meant to either mean rape, sex with angels or the gods, anal sex with one’s wife, or masturbation. Maybe these terms have come to define “homosexuals” nowadays, but just like with English, all languages are forever changing. “Gay” in English used to mean “happy,” but nowadays, it means “homosexual.” If you want to learn more about this, check out

Let me be perfectly clear that these are just many theories. I do think it’s important to critically think when you’re reading a spiritual book, and especially if it’s a very old book, take into account that some things that were written that long ago can be archaic, especially since they were written by human beings that have flaws, just like you and me. Yes, whenever I say this, Christians always come back at me with “Well, it may have been written by humans, but God was speaking through them.” Well, since humans are flawed, they can twist things, whether they’re being told what to write or not. They have a choice to write down specifically what is said, or to tweak it a little bit to make it reflect their own views. And you never know, some crazy tyrant could’ve been hovering over the people who wrote these passages and forced them to write what they did. Or the writers themselves could be those tyrants, writing what they want, and pretending it was God’s words they were writing. I know you have faith, and that’s how, in your mind, you know that the Bible speaks the truth. But the fact is, when it comes right down to it, you were not there, so you really don’t know what happened. And if you believe the Bible is true, and that everything that is in it was written by God through man, then that’s great. I’m not really trying to argue about the integrity of the book. But the fact that we eat shellfish today, we don’t lock up women when they’re menstruating, we are allowed to touch pig skin and eat pig now, and we don’t stone children for talking back to their parents, means that some things in the Bible are archaic and/or the Bible should be taken as a metaphor – as a guideline for how to live your life. And I’ll never discount the idea that it might just boil down to how each individual interprets the Bible. And if that’s true, then DEFINITELY you should just use the Bible as a guideline for your own life, rather than for someone else’s life, because their interpretation of the Bible might be different than yours. I don’t know what the right answer is here. These are just theories – I’ll be the first to admit that. But the point is, no one can know the absolute truth, at least not while we’re on earth. So believe what you want to. You have that right. But don’t impose those beliefs on other people who don’t directly come to you for that information. If you read the red words in the Bible, those are what Jesus specifically said. The most important things he specifically said were to love, accept, and not judge. So just practice that, and stop worrying about other things. Worry about your own life, and live by example. The way other people live their lives is none of anyone else’s business, unless they ask for help or advice.

If I had to pick one thing that I thought was going on, I’d say that people wrote the Bible according to the agenda they wanted to push at the time, whether they were influenced by God to do so or not. Homosexuality wasn’t a huge thing in Bible times, and there were a lot of narrow-minded people back then. If it was uncommon or different, then people feared it. If it threatened their survival, meaning it didn’t yield children to surpass their parents, then it was looked down upon. On the rare occasions that people showed their homosexuality to the public, it was looked at as a sexual act. And everyone knows how the Bible makes anything about sex into a bad thing, unless it’s being used to create a child. But today, things are different. We know it’s not just sexual. We know that it ends in two people who fall in love with each other and decide to spend the rest of their lives together. That is why things should change, and people should open their minds.

5.       I don’t buy any of what you just said. The Bible says it’s wrong to be gay, point blank.

You know what else people used to say the Bible was against? Black people. Interracial relationships/marriage. Women’s rights. Christians used to push pretty much everything that this country has, at some point or another, deemed to be archaic and wrong with the world. It’s really easy to point fingers and say something is wrong when there’s literally zero chance you’ll ever fall into that category.

6.       I don’t agree with the gay agenda.

I don’t really know what this is supposed to mean. I mean the “gay agenda” was to push the U.S. government to allow ALL human beings the same rights. That’s it. No one is trying to force everyone else to be gay. No one is trying to force everyone else to enter into a gay marriage. We just want everyone to be treated equally in the eyes of the law. Is that too much to ask? You would think that would come as common sense to a country founded on the premise of “freedom & equality for all.” It’s just like this idea that gay adoption is a bad idea? Why? Gay parents are not going to adopt children and try to turn them gay. It’s not possible to do that anyway. If straight parents can raise gay children, then gay parents can raise straight children. You might say you simply don’t want children to be raised thinking that homosexuality is perfectly fine. Guess what. Plenty of straight parents raise their kids to believe it’s ok to be gay. I was raised to love & accept everyone, no matter what, and guess what. My parents are straight! And anyway, the way people raise their children is their own business. As long as they’re not raising their kids to become serial killers or something crazy like that, I see nothing wrong with it. Besides, studies have shown that children stand just as high of a chance of becoming good members of society when raised by gay parents, as compared with straight parents. There are so many gay people out there who want children and would love them unconditionally and treat them well. Why deny them that right, based on something so superficial? Furthermore, there are children living on the streets, in ghastly foster homes, and in poor orphanages. They have no one to love them, give them their due attention, and truly care for them. They have no sense of family, and they have no support system to fall back on. Once they reach the age of 18, the state releases them, and they have no one on their side – no help from anyone. How is that fair to those children when there are loving families out there that are fighting to try to take them in? There are so many people on this planet, and an overwhelming number of them are children that need loving homes. Give them those loving homes! Do it for the children. Children who grow up without family units and parents who love them are more likely to end up becoming delinquents as teens and/or adults. This pretty much ensures they will be uneducated and in poverty when the state sets them free at the age of 18. All of this equals to less education and more poverty, crime, suffering, mental illness, suicide, and sometimes even homicide… Give these children a loving home. If fixing all of these issues is the “gay agenda,” then you should be proud to push it.

7.       I can’t believe gay marriage just became legal in my country. What’s next? Bestiality? Child molestation? Polygamy?

This is the worst argument ever. It’s full of too much ignorance, so let me go ahead and shoot this down really quickly without getting too far into it. Every time you want to determine if something is “wrong” or a “sin,” at least in the eyes of the law, try to locate a victim. That’s your best bet of making an educated opinion on whether or not the law should allow it. With bestiality, the victim is the animal that is being RAPED, because he/she can not give consent. With child molestation, the victim is the child who is being RAPED and can not give consent. With homosexuality, there is no victim. This occurs between two consenting adults. Comparing homosexuality to bestiality or child molestation is deplorable. It’s apples vs. oranges. It’s comparing consensual sex to RAPE. It’s the same with polygamy, which the Bible encourages and praises men for having many wives and concubines in many passages, as this occurs between several consenting adults. You may not think homosexuality or polygamy is right for you, and that’s fine, but if there is no direct victim, then there is no crime, and people should have the right to do as they please when it comes to the law. It is none of anyone’s business what people do behind closed doors, and just because one religion is supposedly against it, (which, in this case, the Bible is clearly not against polygamy anyway,) doesn’t mean lawmakers should ban it country-wide.

8.       My Bible supports traditional marriage, so that’s what I support in the eyes of the law.

Since there is Separation of Church & State, we definitely need to keep in mind that there is a difference between what you personally believe to be wrong vs. what should be illegal. I realize this is in an opinion, but I think it’s a pretty common one, and it’s backed up by the Separation of Church & State. Just because one person’s religion says something is wrong doesn’t mean it should be illegal. Church and politics have no place in each other’s lives. As long as it’s not infringing on someone else’s rights, it should be legal. If there is no direct victim, then in most situations, it should be legal. That’s what makes this country so incredible – We’re all free to do as we please, as long as no one else is victimized by our actions. (Of course, if there is a high risk of a lot of people turning into victims indirectly, a lot of people argue certain things should be made illegal.) But in the case of gay rights, 2 consenting adults are not hurting anyone by loving each other and being united for the rest of their lives. They have both given consent, and what they do behind closed doors is no one’s business, especially when it comes to politics. No one should be denied their equal rights, no matter who believes it’s wrong, as long as there is no direct victim. You might argue that the victim is the person who is gay, but everyone has a right to do with their own bodies and minds as they please, as long as it only directly affects themselves. Think of it like this: No one is rallying to make divorce or infidelity illegal. Christians definitely believe both of those things are wrong, but should they be illegal? Of course not. If someone wants to do one of those things, that is their choice and right to do with their own lives as they please, no matter how wrong other people think it is. If gay marriage is illegal, then divorce and infidelity should be too. Do you now see why people for marriage equality see this as a ridiculous argument?

9.       Marriage = Between a man & a woman, because the Bible says so. Period.

Nowhere in the Bible is an exact definition of “marriage” specifically spelled out. Not only this, but it is clear that the Bible condones all kinds of different relationships, including polygamy and forcing a rape victim to marry her own attacker. So I don’t really know where people are getting this whole “definition of marriage” thing from. The definition of marriage that I found online is “Marriage, also called matrimony or wedlock, is a socially or ritually recognized union or legal contract between spouses that establishes rights and obligations between them, between them and their children, and between them and their in-laws.” Nowhere in that definition is the mention of gender. But besides that, marriage is something that has been happening for thousands of years, long before Bible times, and it happens all over the world, in countless different religions and cultures. The definition and view of “marriage” has been constantly changing throughout the years and across different cultures. Everyone’s view of marriage is different. If Christians believe that marriage is a Christian institution, then I don’t see why they have an issue with two men getting married, but they don’t have an issue with two Muslims getting married or two atheists getting married, etc. Anyway, it’s not a Christian institution. It’s been around since way before Bible times. Besides this, people have been destroying the definition of “traditional marriage” forever, all over the world, by getting divorces, committing adultery, and not procreating. So why, all of a sudden, is it the gays who are supposedly destroying this definition of “traditional marriage?” It seems like straight people have been doing a great job of that all by themselves, but no one is quite as outraged about that as they are about this new marriage equality law!

10.   Why can’t gay people just be happy with having the right to a civil union? Why do they have to intrude on straight people’s turf and change the definition of traditional marriage?

In some places, like Illinois, civil unions provide couples with the same rights as married couples, but that’s not so for most places. Most places don’t allow couples in civil unions to have the same rights and benefits as married couples. But provided that every place was like Illinois, I don’t think gay couples would really have an issue with calling their union a “civil union” rather than a “marriage,” except it seems to be a bit demeaning, as if gay couples aren’t good enough for their union to be recognized as the same as that of everyone else. But I don’t think anyone should discount it as a compromise option.

11.   How can I feel like my marriage is worth anything when other people are ruining the definition of marriage that I believe to be true?

I have never found anywhere in the Bible where Jesus actually lays out exactly what the definition of marriage is. Furthermore, according to Iowa scholars Hector Avalo, Robert R. Cargill, and Kenneth Atkinson wrote in an op-ed on the subject that “the Bible’s definition of marriage can be confusing and contradictory…A primary example of this is the religious book’s stance on polygamy, a practice that was embraced by prominent biblical figures Abraham and David…Various Bible passages mention not only traditional monogamy, but also self-induced castration and celibacy, as well as the practice of wedding rape victims to their rapists.” According to Iowa University Professor Robert R. Cargill, one of the authors of this op-ed, “it is obvious to scholars (and some religious leaders) that the Bible endorses a wide range of relationships.” You can read more about this in the op-ed I’m referring to, “Biblical Marriage Not Defined Simply as One Man, One Woman: Iowa Religious Scholars’ Op-Ed.” Now, of course, something that was very important back then was procreation. So a lot of people back in Bible times seemed to push that on their people, but that was for the simple need to survive. That is not an issue now that we have 7 times the number of people on this planet than we need.

Now, despite all of this, a lot of Christians still believe that the Bible’s definition of traditional marriage is the uniting of one man to one woman for the purpose of being together for the rest of their lives and procreating together, as they raise their children in a household with both a mother and a father. Now, if that’s the only kind of marriage you feel your holy book embraces, then that’s fine. And I understand if you believe that the institution of marriage should never have been “taken away” from the church and made into a state institution. But the fact is, it IS a state institution, run by the government of whichever country you live in. This has happened all over the world, not just in the U.S. And really, the concept of marriage that we have now that the state has overtaken is completely different than this original, “traditional” concept of marriage the church holds to be proper. As for the church, marriage simply involves, as I said before, a man and a woman who are united for life with the intention of procreating together and raising their children with one mother and one father. Marriage run by the state is completely different. It encompasses so much more, including human marital rights. What makes these two institutions different is the idea that the state has to make sure that everyone has their due human rights when they are united, including social security, medical benefits, tax exemptions, etc. These benefits are not provided by the church when the church marries a man and a woman - and rightly so, because these are STATE institutions, rights, and benefits. That is why the state started to “overtake,” if you will, the institution of marriage – so that they could allow married couples to have these governmental benefits. This is SECULAR marriage, rather than the Christian “traditional” marriage. The two are completely different concepts. So if you are a Christian, then you can rest assured that your “traditional” marriage institution has been untouched. You can have your wedding in a church and have your preacher marry you, and then the state will provide you with your due governmental rights and benefits as a married couple. As for gay couples, as well as straight couples who do not intend to procreate, (or whichever other couples you don’t believe the Bible recognizes to qualify for “traditional marriage,”) they don’t have to be married in a church by a preacher if that is against the church. They can be married by any ordained minister or even a judge, and they can hold the wedding on a beach or in a courthouse. They don’t have to have any affiliation with your “traditional” marriage concept, as they can stay completely separate, but that way, everyone has the same governmental rights when it comes to marriage, and the government can maintain its policy of Separation of Church & State. Now everyone wins! You can read more about this in the article “Same Sex Marriage is Not the Same as Christian Marriage; Here’s Why” by Jordan M. Holmes.

12.   Great. Now that gay people can get married, I will have to see them everywhere – making out on park benches, holding hands while walking down the street, etc. Now homosexuality will be prevalent in the community. Kids will have to be around it!

It’s like some people think that, now that gay marriage is legal, there will be more gay people in the world all of a sudden. People who were gay before this new law was passed were still on the streets. If they were ever public about their sexualities and relationships, then they were already making out on park benches and holding hands while walking down the street before this new law passed. If this was happening, which I almost never see anyway, then homosexuality was already prevalent in the community. Kids were already at risk of seeing such things. Just because now these people are legally allowed to sign a piece of paper stating that they will be bound to each other for the rest of their lives, doesn’t mean homosexuality will be any more prevalent in your community. Whatever you were seeing in your community before this law was passed is what you’ll continue to see. Gay people have always had the right to make out on park benches and hold hands while walking down the street. Maybe a better thing to say would be “I don’t want to see ANYONE making out on park benches, because that’s not something I’m interested in seeing.” Because, really, who wants to see that in public, whether it’s between straight people or gay people? But remember, if you have the right to be public about your relationship, then so do gay people. And if you, personally, don’t want your children to be around that, then by all means, don’t go back to that park where that gay couple is constantly making out on a park bench. Personally, I’d like my future kids to be around all kinds of different people when they are growing up, in hopes that they will become members of society who accept, tolerate, and love all kinds of people, whether they are different or not. Sheltering them and keeping them in a little bubble would only make them feel like their lifestyle is the only one that is right, cause them to be selfish, and turn them into judgmental adults. While I’d rather them not see ANYONE making out on a park bench, I went them to grow up embracing the differences of people in the world around them.

13.   It seems like, these days, everyone is all about rights for everyone, except rights for Christians. I feel like, now that SCOTUS decided gay people should be allowed to take over my people’s institution of marriage, my rights are being taken away, and I’m now being oppressed.

I’ve heard a few people say things like this on Facebook. Look around you. You still have the same rights you’ve always had. It’s just that, now, so does everyone else. You are only oppressed if the government takes away your right to marry whoever you want – like how gay people have been treated up until now. You still have the right to practice whichever religion you choose, and you still have the right to marry whoever you choose. No one is questioning whether or not you should be able to marry who you want. No one is forcing you to become gay or marry someone of the same sex. And no one is forcing you to stop practicing your religion of choice. Things might not be going your way at this point in time, but you will be ok.

14.   What if I want to challenge the idea of Separation of Church & State? I want a White House under God! I want my country and its government to serve the Lord.

There’s a simple reason that Separation of Church & State exists, and that’s not only to maintain freedom of religion, but also freedom FROM religion. If you want your government to serve your God, well, that’s a theocracy you’re wanting. That’s exactly what many countries in the Middle East and Asia have, except they impose other religions on their citizens, rather than Christianity. This causes no one in these countries to be able to practice their own religion (unless it’s the one the government was founded under,) they don’t have rights against religious persecution, and they can sometimes even be jailed if found to be going against the state’s imposed religion. Be thankful we have Separation of Church & State. It’s what keeps you able to go on practicing the religion you practice without having to worry about being persecuted for it. It’s part of what makes everyone free. It’s what makes this country a big melting pot of different cultures and religions. Imagine if an Islamic man overtook the White House and imposed a nationwide religion of Islam. You now have to practice Islam, and if you don’t, or if you practice a different religion, you can be persecuted for it. Would you like that? Ok, no one else would like that if the roles were reversed either. Furthermore, it’s not just a matter of respect; it’s a matter of covering your own butt. Projected around 2050, Christianity won’t be the most popular religion in the U.S. anymore. If Christians start imposing their religion on the entire nation right now, then you’ll be complaining when a new religion becomes more popular here, and they decide to overtake the government and impose their religion on the whole nation. If you don’t want it done to you in the future, then it’s a good idea to NOT try to force your religion on other people right now. This country was founded on the premise that everyone is free to do as they please, with religion being separated from the government, since religion is a personal matter, and government is a state matter. It is our government’s job to make sure everyone is equal and free, and if we impose a nationwide religion, that’s not very fair to everyone in the nation that is NOT a Christian, and you shouldn’t want to impose that on anyone. Of course you may hope they convert to your religion, but you shouldn’t try to force anyone to do that. That’s actually probably more likely to backfire on you, and people would probably hate Christianity even more than a lot of people already do. Embrace that our nation is a melting pot of different cultures and religions. The U.S. is supposed to be a safe haven where oppressed people from other countries can escape (legally, of course) and find refuge, knowing that they can finally be free. They are not free if religion runs the government. No one is. You have your right to practice whichever religion you would like to practice. Allow other people that same courtesy.

15.   I’m so upset at what this world is turning into and allowing to take place. You know the rapture must be near, since there’s so much sin in the world these days.

Look, God has a lot on his plate, being all-knowing and running the universe and everything. I highly doubt he cares if the United States is now allowing gay people to get married. That would be a pretty silly reason to destroy the world. But even if he did care at all about people doing something that doesn’t have any bearing on other people’s lives, I would think he would delight in his children loving each other and sharing their entire lives with each other.

16.   Why does it matter? I mean everyone can believe what they want, and everyone can say what they want about homosexuality. I mean we have the freedom of speech, so if I think it’s wrong to be gay, then I have every right to say it and protest gay marriage if I want.

You’re right, you do have that right. But the freedom of speech is not a freedom from consequences of your speech. Freedom of speech means you can say what you want, and no one can haul you off to jail for it. It doesn’t mean people can’t challenge what you say or hate you for the hatred you spew. So take a minute to think about what you’re saying and who it may affect. Think of what such hatred and judgment might do to someone who might be listening. This hatred, judgment, fear, and disapproval that people spread toward gay people causes some extreme violence toward them. School kids are bullied. Families take things to the extreme and disown their children. Some fathers abuse their gay sons, in attempt to either discipline them for being gay or turn them straight. Hate crimes occur against gay people. They are beaten and murdered. They commit suicide, (and in rare cases, some have committed homicide,) because of self-loathing created within themselves by people who refuse to accept them and continuously make them feel less than human – like they have done something wrong. But they can’t change this about themselves. Essentially, they’re being told that everything about them is wrong, and they can’t even change it! They might be able to change their lifestyle, meaning refrain from being true to themselves, and force themselves to date people of the opposite sex, but those feelings will never go away. Even if they try and say that they’ve changed, simply because they want to be accepted in the church or by God, those feelings never leave. Maybe they can change their lifestyle, but the feelings don’t go away, and oppressing those feelings and urges, because the people in your life tell you they’re wrong, can really take a toll on someone’s self-esteem and self-worth. The burden of living a lie causes so much pain and self-loathing. I can’t imagine what it’s like, and no one should have to. If we would just stop perpetuating this hatred, judgment, fear, disapproval, etc, maybe people would learn to love and accept themselves for who they are, and maybe other people would learn to love and accept others for who they are. It’s all about making the world a happier place filled with love and acceptance!

Look, I think it’s obvious the stance I take here. But I’m not trying to convince anyone that their beliefs are wrong, or that the Bible is not to be trusted, or that their religion is a hoax. I don’t care what anyone’s personal beliefs are, as long as it doesn’t get in the way of everyone obtaining equal rights. Plus, I thought it might be interesting to offer up some new, interesting perspectives that might make you guys think, as well possibly open you guys up a little bit to the idea of simply accepting other people for who they are. I know that, after SCOTUS passed this new law allowing gay couples to marry, I saw a few people on my Facebook post some not so tasteful things about it online. I understand if you’re not happy with it, and you want to post your views about it, and that’s fine. Everyone has their own opinion. But one post that I saw, in particular, was deplorable. I am so ashamed to say that the person who made that post was a family member. Granted, I’ve only met her once or twice in my life and haven’t seen her since I was probably 13 years old, so we’re not close, but still… I can’t believe she’s apart of my (distant) family. She made a post ranting about how gay people are “wrong and sick.” It was outrageous. There was so much judgment and so much hatred in that post, and I simply don’t think that’s right. I couldn’t stand to look at something like that or be in contact with someone who would openly bash gay people over the internet, clearly not caring whose feelings she might be crushing, so I deleted her from my friends list. Furthermore, she blamed it all on God! She said that God laid that on her heart to share with her Facebook friends, and if she hadn’t done it, it would’ve been wrong. My dad politely reminded her that “that wasn’t God, darling.” I’ll remind you all that it is BLASPHEMY to blame God for your selfish Facebook rants about how other people are “wrong and sick.” These are human beings who deserve respect, whether you agree with their lifestyles or not. THAT is my problem here, and THAT is why I wanted to clear some things up and plead with you guys to please keep it civil. Respect EVERYONE – whether you agree with them or not. If you believe in God, then surely you know we are ALL God’s children, and if you slam another human being, you are slamming another one of God’s children, so you might as well be slamming him.

Finally, I'd like to congratulate all of my LGBTQ+ friends who are now much more equal in the eyes of the law now! I can't tell you how happy I am about this incredible leap forward, and I am so grateful to have been able to experience June 26, 2015 - a truly historic day in U.S. history.

For a huge wake-up video that will open your eyes to the reality of growing up different, check out this video that shows how it would be like if roles were reversed, and it were "normal" to be gay and "wrong" to be straight:

 A 2D design I made for my 2D design class my freshman year of college.

The point is, Jesus himself never actually said anything about gay people. It was all in the stories of the Bible - in the archaic laws that HUMAN BEINGS wrote in the Bible.

Friday, July 3, 2015

#97: Naked but Never Afraid

Dogs are doing it. Cats are doing it. Pigs, horses, raccoons, cows, lizards, sharks, and birds are doing it. But sadly, for some reason, humans aren’t. Why can every animal on this planet walk around naked, but we can’t? What is so disgusting and ugly about our bodies that we feel the need to be ashamed of them and hide them from the world? Why is it not ok to be natural, like every other being on this planet? I’d like to discuss this from multiple standpoints, so bear with me. I really want some opinions on this, because I don’t necessarily think there’s a right or wrong answer here. I just know that I’d love to be able to run around naked if I wanted to, because it’s freeing and comfortable, and I LOVE being in my birthday suit!

Ok, I feel like it’s possible that the whole idea of naked = bad came from The Bible and maybe even other holy books, but I know that, in The Bible, the book of Genesis says that Adam and Eve were allowed to roam around the Garden of Eden naked until they allowed Satan to bring sin into the garden. Once that happened, they were required to cover up their bodies due to sin. Now, I usually take holy books as metaphors, rather than word-for-word. But, depending on your own personal perspective on it, this could mean one of two things: 1. We really should cover our bodies, because now that there’s sin in the world, it is sinful to run around naked, or 2. We used to run around naked, but at some point, people started clothing themselves for whatever reason (such as, due to sin being added to the world, we became self-conscious of their bodies,) and that’s really why people cover up now, but it’s not actually sinful to run around naked. That’s just a biblical standpoint that I wanted to throw out there, but that’s not anywhere near the full discussion.

So, maybe people did become self-conscious of their bodies somewhere along the line, whether it was from sin being added into the world or not. (I mean, I’m sure a lot of people reading this don’t buy The Bible’s take on this, so of course, I’d like to explore more possibilities.) But maybe people really started clothing themselves simply for warmth. That certainly makes sense to me. And then maybe it became such common practice that people wore clothes for warmth, that people started becoming self-conscious about their bodies when they weren’t clothed. Or maybe when people started criticizing other people’s bodies, that’s when people started to become self-conscious and covering themselves up. Using the theory previously mentioned, that would make sense; when sin entered the world, people started criticizing each other’s bodies, thus making everyone self-conscious about themselves and covering up. I have no clue how it all started, but the whole concept seems a little silly to me. I mean, during the winter, of course I want to cover up as much as possible. But I live in Georgia, where the temperature reaches 110 degrees Fahrenheit during the summer, so it’d be really awesome if it was common practice to just be naked all the time during the summer.  But see, I’m wondering what this whole “indecency” thing is about. I mean, it’s natural! And our bodies are nothing to be ashamed of.

So here’s what I think it boils down to, at least at this point. People look at human bodies as being sexy, provocative, and only for intimate relationships and settings. What I’m thinking is, I have been to a nude beach, and I never saw a single person that “provoked” me with their nakedness. While I thought it was freeing to see so many people able to free themselves, I also was not turned on by anything I saw. To me, they were normal human bodies. No one was attractive enough for me to be “distracted” by them. They were just normal people who were naked and tanning on the beach. (This was in Greece, where nude beaches are pretty common.) So here’s what I think: People are not receptive to the idea of letting people be naked where ever they want to be, because they view it as “indecent.” But it wouldn’t be indecent if it were common practice! We hide ourselves from the world, and that’s why it’s intriguing, sexy, and provocative. If we saw it all the time, we wouldn’t look at human bodies that way. Hopefully we’d still look at our significant others’ bodies that way, but as for the general populace, we wouldn’t, because it would be normal to us. We’d see normal people out there – naked as a hairless cat, and we wouldn’t think a thing of it. We think of it as provocative and indecent, because we have made it that way ourselves. We have forced people to cover up, and you know what happens when you tell someone not to do something: It becomes naughty and taboo. But if it is common practice, then it loses that reputation. See, a lot of people maintain that allowing people to run around naked will cause distractions, like distracting people from work. I think it would be like that in the beginning, but once it became viewed as normal, I think people wouldn’t even notice it anymore, because it will have become common practice and no longer taboo. There has even been a study done on this: In this study, a company decided that everyone would come to work naked for a whole month. All employees did it, and in the beginning, it was weird, but by the end of the month, it was completely normal to them, and no one was distracted or self-conscious about it. It even INCREASED productivity, because everyone was so comfortable!

So if we allowed people to run around naked and free, would that increase productivity in the workplace, and even in other aspects of life like school, for example? Would it become common practice enough that it would be viewed as normal, and therefore, wouldn’t cause distractions? I’m thinking it’s quite possible. I’m also thinking it might make people more comfortable in their own skin. You might think that it would make people more insecure about themselves to have everyone looking at their naked bodies and seeing their flaws, but think about how many flaws you’d see on other people’s bodies. You’d start to realize that everyone has bodily flaws, not just you. You’d start to realize no one is perfect, and that might make you feel better about your own body. I think it might make people more happy and comfortable, and maybe if it feels normal, then people wouldn’t look at other people’s bodies as being so tantalizing.

A lot of people hold a view that men are so primal that they would not be able to control themselves if women walked around naked in front of them, and that that would cause an increase in sexual violence. I do believe people would be beside themselves for awhile. However, I also hold the view that, if you’re the type of person who will commit rape, then you’re going to do it, whether you have a naked body staring you in the face or not. And if you’re respectful, then you won’t, no matter how big the temptation. I also believe that, given time, this would become so common practice that everyone would get used to it, and people’s bodies wouldn’t be hugely tantalizing, and therefore, sexual violence might even decrease. Now, I could be wrong, and it might not decrease, because rape is more about power than a sexual experience, but I certainly don’t think it would increase.

Now, I’m going to take this blog entry to a completely new level. Body-shaming. It seems to be a thing these days. Women are shamed for publicly nursing their babies that would die without being fed. Women are forbidden to show their nipples in public, even though men do it all the time. What is the difference between male nipples and female nipples that makes showing female nipples in public so detestable, while men run around in swim trunks all the time? People are shamed for having a few extra pounds on them, even by complete strangers who have no business judging them. There’s even a Facebook page where moms, specifically, are being shamed for having tattoos. These crazy people are calling inked moms bad moms, irresponsible, etc. and otherwise shaming them for personal choices they’ve made for their own bodies. Literally these people post memes that tell people that their babies will become felons, simply because their moms have tattoos, and this is only geared toward women. Another thing. The new trend this summer is for women to refrain from shaving their underarms. Women are shamed for that, while men are off the hook. Apparently, it’s only gross for one gender, but not for the other, causing a double-standard. As a matter of fact, all of the things I've just mentioned are typically geared toward women specifically. STOP. I don’t want to hear it anymore. Everyone needs to leave everyone else alone and mind their own business. For crying out loud, if it’s not your body, don’t worry about it. If you think hairy underarms aren’t sexy, then don’t date a girl with hairy pits, and don’t have hairy pits yourself. If you don’t like tattoos, then don’t get a tattoo, and don’t date someone with tattoos. It’s the same with carrying a little extra weight or pretty much any other body-related thing you can think of. But women and men alike have a right to do with their bodies as they please. Women don’t owe men anything. With the public nipple-showing and hairy underarms situations, there shouldn’t be a double-standard there. Personally, I think pit hair is gross on both men and women. But it is natural, as all mammals have hair, so I would never penalize someone for not shaving their pits. Their bodies are their bodies. I shave, because I feel uncomfortable with hair there, but I don’t penalize my boyfriend for not shaving his, so I would never penalize any woman for not shaving hers.

It’s the same with everything else body-related. What’s with all the body-shaming lately? She’s too fat. He’s too short. She’s too hairy. He has zits. She has an ugly birth mark. He has man boobs. She’s ugly. We have got to stop this battle against people with bodily differences, especially with things that are perfectly natural! It’s just like anything else. Everyone looks different, and no one should be treated badly for that. You shouldn’t send a random woman you’ve never met a message on an online dating site shaming her for the way she looks. When you’re at a coffee shop, and you see a random guy you’ve never met before, you shouldn’t make snide comments about his body. Everyone has flaws, and I think bodily flaws can make people even more beautiful. It reminds me that we’re all human, and that I’m not the only one with flaws. Besides, it’s just plain rude. Besides body-shaming, I think we should also realize that everyone has the right to do what they want with their own body. If we’re speaking of a loved one who is dying from heart disease due to obesity, then it’s a little different. You actually care about the person and want him/her to stick around longer, so I don’t blame anyone for bringing that up to your loved one and trying to make a difference in their life, but lay it on them easy. But if it’s a stranger and/or it’s something that person can’t help, then let it be! This is a huge reason why I think people don’t want to run around naked and do want to cover themselves up. For no reason at all, they are ashamed of their bodies. But this is nonsense! I believe every single person’s body has its own kind of beauty, and no matter how much you try to look like a super model, you never will. Because super models don’t even look like their photos! That’s the work of Photoshop and airbrushing. Even Cindy Crawford once said “I wish I looked like Cindy Crawford.”

So let’s stop worrying about what we look like and just live our lives…NAKED! What do you guys think? If we passed a law that everyone could be naked in public if they please, would you agree with it? Would you exercise that right?

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

#96: Basic Economics

This is an extension of my previous blog entries, “Dodger Logic #90: Minimum Skills Required” and “Dodger Logic #53: The Reality of Poverty.” So in these blog entries, I expressed my concern with the typical perspective of the working poor in America, as well as the unfortunate typical perspective on poverty vs. reality. In these entries, I explained that I think we need a change in our economy, so that the dollar goes farther, and we can bring more people out of poverty.

Well, I explained in “Minimum Skills Required” that I do have a concern that, if we raise the minimum wage to a proper wage that people can actually live off of, then that will cause companies to raise their prices. Now, the big companies don’t have to do this, as they could just take a slight pay cut at the top, so that the billionaire CEOs get a slight pay cut that they probably wouldn’t even notice, and then they could pay their workers at the bottom a proper wage. However, we all know this won’t happen, so the prices on products in stores will rise. A lot of people think that this will make things so expensive that this will negate the new-found money minimum-wagers make, because it will cost more money for them to feed and house themselves anyway. However, I do want to throw out there that, years past, the minimum wage has always risen when inflation occurs, and that is supposed to happen. As things get more expensive, the wage that workers make has always risen, in order to offset inflation, and the way our economy is set up, it allows for this. Now, I don’t have any specific source to cite here, so take this for what you will, but I have heard that studies have shown that big corporations, such as Walmart, could afford to pay all of their workers $15 per hour, and all they would have to do is raise the price of every single item in their stores by a single penny each, and that would be sufficient to off-set the pay increases.

Now, of course I think our workers are worth more than $7.25/hour (the federal minimum wage,) especially since wages should go up when prices go up, which is something we have always done to offset inflation, up until recently. But if we were to raise the minimum wage, particularly if we raised it dramatically, the big corporations would barely be affected, no matter which route they choose to take (taking a pay cut at the top vs. raising prices on products.) But what about small businesses and franchises, which don’t make much money and can’t afford to pay their workers more? They will raise their prices astronomically, or they will go out of business. A lot of these businesses will have to jump straight to closing their doors, because raising their prices would knock them out of the game, because of competitors’ prices. Either one of these – raising prices or closing doors – would be bad for the economy. If we raise the minimum wage, and these small businesses can’t keep up with that, then they have to close their doors. If they decide to raise their prices, people won’t want to shop there more than ever, and eventually they’ll have to close, so either way, this is a problem for small business owners. And keep in mind that franchises are the same as small businesses. McDonald’s, for instance, is a franchise. So each McDonald’s has a different owner, so this owner likely doesn’t make a lot of money. He’s not like a CEO of a huge corporation. He’s going to need to keep prices low in order to stay afloat. So if this economic problem worsens, don’t be surprised if you see your nearest McDonald’s, among other stores/restaurants, close. I'm one who thinks that, if you can't afford to pay your workers a livable wage, then you need to go home and forget owning a business. However, I also don't like watching big corporations rule the world, so if all small businesses shut down, the big corporations would be all that's left. So how do we make it work out, so that we can have our cake and eat it too?

Here’s the best advice I can give to everyone. I know that everyone is poor these days. I know we want to make sure that our money goes as far as it possibly can. But there’s one thing that every single person can do in order to make the American dollar worth more, thus raising the economy, and we wouldn’t even necessarily have to raise the minimum wage (at least not immediately.) Focus all of your energy and money on buying from local, small businesses. Stop giving your money to big companies like Walmart. Then the small businesses will have enough money to compete with big companies, if we do decide to raise the minimum wage, and everyone will have a fighting chance in this economy. I know small businesses have to charge more money for their products, but if we do this for awhile, it will be beneficial in the long-run, as it will cause an overall lowering of product prices everywhere, thus making the American dollar worth more, thus building the economy back up. Then prices will be lowered everywhere, and people will be able to afford more. But not only that will happen! If we invest our money in small businesses, then they will be able to afford to pay their workers more too. And if they decide to do this, or if the government forces them to, then bigger businesses will start losing their employees to small businesses, so they’ll have to raise their working wages to compete with smaller businesses who now stand a chance up against them. Then there will be a constant battle in competition between the two. Prices will be lowered, people will be able to afford more, AND workers will make more money. That, my friends, is how you build up the economy. Don’t let huge, multi-billion dollar corporations control the world!

Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not at all saying that we should all abandon Walmart and never shop there again. I’m not going to lie… I love good ol’ Wally World. They have great products at excellent prices, and they truly do have everything imaginable, all in one convenient location. That’s great, and I understand if people want to continue shopping there, and at other big corporations, for that matter. But try to keep it as minimal as possible. When possible, buy from small businesses. It might cost a little more money in the short-run, but we will all reap huge benefits from it in the long-run.

#95: Keeping up with the Times

This is to any and all Christians (or anyone of any religion, for that matter,) who feel like other people (to include, but not limited to, atheists and agnostics) are trying to push them past their religious beliefs, due to “keeping up with the times.” I recently read a blog from a woman who said “…if being open-minded means unquestioningly accepting anything and everything, because it is progressive or popular, then I want no part of it.” I just wanted to address this, so that everyone is on the same page. I want everyone to know what everyone else means when they say we should be “keeping up with the times.”

At least the majority of us don’t expect anyone to drop their belief system and believe everything that is being pushed in society today, just because it’s “progressive or popular.” Of course, everyone is going to have their beliefs, whether they are based on a particular religion or not, and that’s fine. We’re all different, and I think we should embrace those differences, for the most part. Most of us realize that devout Christians (and other people who are devout in their religions) will not abandon their beliefs, just because something became front page news in society. We get that. Or, at least, most of us do. What we mean by “keeping up with the times” and being accepting is simply that everyone should be tolerant and non-judgmental about other people’s personal lives. We just want everyone to accept other people for who they are and tolerate everyone’s differences. We don’t expect anyone to abandon their principles or their beliefs, just based on something becoming “progressive or popular.” Yes, sometimes, I do wish people would jump on certain bandwagons, because I do believe that a lot of issues do change with the times. But no one (hopefully) is asking you to abandon what you truly believe in your heart to be true. We’re just asking for some empathy (or sympathy, at the very least,) love, respect, and tolerance.

It boils down to the idea that, as a Christian, (and I’m sure this is characteristic of a lot of religions,) you are supposed to love unconditionally – even people who you believe to be sinful, especially since, according to The Bible, everyone is a sinner. While your inhibitions don’t need to change, you can tolerate other people and stay out of their business. If you don’t think it’s ok to be gay, that’s your opinion, and you have a right to hold whatever beliefs you hold. But we do ask that you don’t impose those beliefs on anyone else. I know this is difficult, because Christians feel as they are called to “spread the word” and “save people.” And you should definitely feel free to do that, but only if someone seeks you out and asks you for information and help in the matter. The way you are supposed to “spread the word” to people who don’t come straight to you for information, is to LIVE BY EXAMPLE. That is all you’re supposed to do. If you don’t think it’s ok to be gay, then don’t marry someone of the same sex. If you don’t like prostitution, don’t be a prostitute. If you think pork is dirty, then don’t eat pork. And then sit back and watch people watch you. They will see the way you live your life, and maybe they’ll become interested and ask you about your faith. THAT is the way to “spread the word.” When you throw judgments at people who are not even asking your opinion on the matter, you’re automatically going to push them away. They feel attacked. They feel judged.  And it’s simply NOT the way to go about it, because they’re unlikely to be receptive to any information you have to give, because they will just view you as a “holier-than-thou” crazy person. I doubt that is anyone’s intention, but it’s the reality of it. So your job is to live by example and sit on stand-by for anyone who wants to approach you about your faith. God calls you to love unconditionally, refrain from passing judgments, and live by example. And don’t get me wrong; a lot of people do this. I have many friends who live by example, including my very best friend, who I view as a sister. We have very different beliefs, but it has never been a problem or really come between us, because we have that mutual respect for each other.

So that’s what we mean when we say we are for progressivism. Yes, we believe it’s ok to be who you are, gay or straight, black or white, boy or girl. We believe it’s ok to go through a gender transition/re-assignment. We believe it’s ok to do pot. We believe that, if you’re an adult, you should be able to drink alcohol. We believe that everyone should have equal rights. We believe there should be fewer people in poverty. We believe in women’s rights, and that women should have the right to their own bodies. We believe in making real social change. We are definitely progressive. But that doesn’t mean all of us expect you to adopt our progressive views, simply because we believe they’re right. You can, of course, believe what you believe is right. But we do ask for tolerance. We ask that you not pass judgments on us for what we do, and we should not pass judgments on what you do either. We should all just live together in harmony, respect each other, and leave each other alone. If one wants information from the other, one will seek the other one out.