Tuesday, January 28, 2014

#78: Is That a Fingernail in My Chicken Soup?

The point of this entry is to tell you guys you should know what's in your food before you eat it. This entry is just one example of a huge lie that most people believe. Everyone thinks Smoothie King is really healthy, and they believe the calorie count in the brochures. However, if you actually look at how Smoothie King makes their smoothies, you'll realize they're not healthy. When I worked there, my manager used to change the recipes to make them taste better. This included adding much more sugar and syrups to the mixture, making the calorie counts in the brochures a lie. I'm sure this type of thing happens at all kinds of restaurants and other food establishments. Anyway, I just think we have a right to know what's in our food, and we should look for it. This includes the grocery store. Go to fresh markets, which sell healthy, organic fruits and vegetables, as well as healthy, cruelty-free, cage-free, antibiotic-free, vegetarian-fed meat. Make sure you know what you're consuming! In this country, EVERYTHING contains antibiotics, potentially dangerous chemicals, and preservatives. We should push to change this system, but until then, do your research, and find out what's in your food!

So here's my example. As I said, I used to work at an Atlanta Smoothie King. Can anyone guess what these smoothies are made out of? Most people guess fruit, right? Wrong. There's a ton of sugar in them, and most of them have some kind of supplements in them. Admittedly, some are good supplements, but some of them are not so good, or are not so good for certain kinds of people. For example, some of the proteins used are only recommended for men, but women still drink smoothies with these proteins sometimes. One kind of protein that is used in most of the smoothies, in particular, is not very good for anyone - soy protein. But the most astonishing part about Smoothie King's lies is that these smoothies are not made with real fruit. They are made with syrups, concentrate juices, and purees. The only whole fruits they put in the smoothies are coconut, bananas, peaches, pineapples, and strawberries. However, the strawberries come in a tub of sugary syrup and are chalk full of preservatives, and the pineapples and peaches are Del Monte canned pineapples and peaches, which also come in a sugary syrup and are full of preservatives. One would think Smoothie King would be above this, since they make themselves out to be so healthy. But this is why you should learn what's in your food before buying and consuming it!

I'm not saying it's wrong to eat at Smoothie King. I love buying smoothies there every now and then. I drank smoothies all the time when I worked there. But it's good to keep in mind that this is a place to buy a treat every now and then, not a place to buy your breakfast before work every single day. And it's just good sense to find out what's in your food.

Here is a healthy alternative: Make your own smoothies at home! They're probably cheaper, and they contain what you put in them. You don't have to worry about not knowing what's in them. I do this all the time at home, and I never add sugar. I usually mix whatever fruits I feel like eating that day, orange juice, and spinach into a smoothie, but I also like making chocolate peanut butter, banana, and spinach smoothies. Also, beet juice is naturally sweet and delicious. Sometimes I make smoothies with beets, orange juice, and fruits that I like. Carrots, kale, and arugula are also good in smoothies. There are really all kinds of great fruits and vegetables you can add to smoothies, and there are lots of websites for this online, especially on Pinterest. P.S. Don't ever use apples in a smoothie. The fibers in apples collect together after being ground up, and it's the nastiest thing you'll ever taste. All other fruits that I can think of, however, are delicious in smoothies.

Also, I have to go ahead and say this. If you ever find yourself at a Smoothie King in Atlanta, and the owner's name is Greg Emrich, don't give him any business. He's an awful human being.

This could not be more misleading.

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