Tuesday, May 21, 2013

#15: Dream On

So has anyone ever wondered what dreams really are? I, personally, like to look at dreams as a way to keep your brain occupied while you sleep. Otherwise, we would be bored to death during our 8 hours of sleep each night. I don't really know what they are, honestly. And I have absolutely no idea what causes them, but they fascinate me a lot.

Beyond this, I've heard that people you see in dreams are people you have actually seen in reality. Your brain took in the information, even if you didn't consciously notice the person you saw. This sounds believable, but then again, I've had dreams of monsters, but I KNOW I've never seen a real-life monster...Maybe I saw them on tv? If this is true, that means imagination doesn't exist! Or at least not in this kind of sense. But I don't believe that. I think we've seen imaginations rule the world and do incredible things in reality, so I don't think it makes sense that imaginations wouldn't run wild in peoples' dreams. So I believe it's probably a mixture of things we've seen and our imaginations. Who knows? It may have started with someone/something we saw, or rather a bunch of people/things we saw, and maybe our imaginations just mix the people/things we see together to form something completely different. Or maybe sometimes we simply dream about people/things we saw, and maybe sometimes we dream about people/things we made up in our own minds. I think that's more believable, since imaginations must exist. They're the reason why we have planes that fly in the air, seemingly defying gravity. It's the reason we know about atoms, molecules, cells, elements, compounds, etc. It's the reason we have so many religions in this world...It's the reason for everything we have and know. Unless people dreamed those up too. I mean, in all kinds of religions, certain aspects of that religion began with someone having a dream. Anyway, I still think imagination exists. I mean, what about blind people? Like people who were born blind and have never seen anything physically in their lives. Do they feel around and make their own assumptions of what people look like and then dream about them? Or do their imaginations run wild while they're dreaming, dreaming up what they imagine the world and people to look like? These are just thoughts I've slopped onto a page, just because I can. So take everything I say with a grain of salt.

Can we control our dreams? I've heard we can, but I don't know about this, because I can't seem to shake myself awake or change the course of a dream while I'm sleeping. I can't even tell it's not real when I'm sleeping. Seriously, dreams are so realistic to me that, while I'm sleeping, I think it's reality the whole time until I wake up. Sometimes I still believe my dream happened, even after I wake up. And then I think about it later and wonder if it really happened, or if I dreamed it. In the past, I've told people someone said or did something that that person didn't say or do, and it's because I must have dreamed it and thought it was real, even after I woke up! But, apparently, since it's our own mind, we're supposed to be able to control it. Wikipedia says that you can only control your dreams during "lucid dreaming," when the dreamer is self-aware. That makes sense. That could mean day-dreaming or when you're half asleep. I've done both of these things many times, and I know I've been able to control the dreams, just like I'm only thinking about something.

What about dream interpretations? Do dreams mean anything? If you have a dream, and it comes true, was that a sign from God or the universe or something? There's this tv show called "Celebrity Dreams Revealed," and in it, the dream interpreter talked about how water signifies re-birth, so if there's water in your dream, then maybe you feel like you're going through a re-birth stage of your life, or that you need to. For instance, I watched one dream be interpreted on the only episode I saw, and the celebrity's dream was as follows: He was babysitting for someone, and he didn't know who it was. It wasn't anyone he knew in reality. So he had this bad feeling in the middle of the night, so he woke up and went looking for the child he was babysitting, but she wasn't in her bed. He ran all over the house looking for her. Finally, he went to the lake behind the house and found the girl, drowned at the bottom of the lake. The interpreter told him the water signifies re-birth, so the child must signify the death of something in his past, and the water symbolizes his re-birth. He said that made sense, because he had been an alcoholic (or drug abuser, something like that. I can't remember exactly.) And he had recently quit drinking and started over. I think that dream interpretation is a pretty vague one, though, because almost everyone is going through some kind of re-birth in their lives at any given time. So, of course, the guy is going to think that the decoding of the dream is genius and completely right, because the interpreter got it right...But in such a vague way. I'm not sure I buy it.

In the Bible, Jesus appeared to many people in their dreams. Could it be that they were just dreaming of Jesus? Or did he really come to them in a dream? Did he send them messages from heaven? Well, we'll never know, really. They could have totally made up what they said they dreamed, and there may not even be an issue here to investigate! Or maybe they believe what they saw, but it was simply a dream they made up in their own heads, and the dream had no meaning. But the point is, a lot of people say dreams mean something, whether God is sending messages from heaven, or if dreams simply mean something to the dreamer and can be interpreted. It may be that your subconscious knows more than your conscious self knows, and it's trying to tell you something. Or maybe dreams really are just meant for your personal entertainment while you're sleeping. Maybe dreams are simply thoughts that you have at night. You can control your thoughts during the day, because you're awake and fully aware. But when you're sleeping, your subconscious controls your brain, so your thoughts turn into dreams that you can't control. Maybe these thoughts are meant for entertainment, or maybe they really are telling you what your subconscious is feeling, even if your conscious isn't aware of it.
By the way, I just wanted to mention the picture below. Read the entire description. It is insanely neat! I have no idea if it's true or how in the world it works, but it's so incredibly neat to think about.

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