Wednesday, May 29, 2013

#38: The Sweet Auburn Market/Municipal Market

I just wanted to expound on two of my notes, "Dodger Logic #34: Quick and Easy Environmental Tips" and "Dodger Logic #16: Don't Be a Vegetarian; Instead, Change the System." I also want to introduce to you guys something that I've just recently fallen in love with: fresh markets. I love the Sweet Auburn Market (newly named the Municipal Market) here in Atlanta. These markets are all over the place, even in big cities. You just have to look them up and find them. The Sweet Auburn Market, in particular, is right in the heart of downtown Atlanta, right on GSU campus. So if you're a GSU student, and particularly if you live in the dorms, it's very accessible. It's right down the road from the Commons and the Lofts.

It's an interesting and fun place to go, because there are all kinds of units. There's a seafood unit, a couple meat units, a couple fruit units, and a couple vegetable units. My favorites are the seafood and fruit units. The seafood unit has all kinds of fish, shrimp, and crab. The catfish is amazing! And, of course, everything is fresh. The fruit and vegetable units have every kind of fruit/vegetable you can think of. And the meat unit...Holy cow, I can't think of a meat they don't have. They have normal meats, along with pig ears, frog legs, cow hooves, etc. I mean they truly have everything. And they cut your meat any way you like it. You can make anything boneless and skinless. The seafood unit is the same way. EVERYTHING you buy at fresh markets is fresh and local and delicious. There are also all kinds of shops. There's a burger joint, a seafood restaurant, a really great fresh fruit and vegetable juice/smoothie place that I absolutely love. I buy their juice and smoothies about 3 times a week. It's all made from fresh fruit and vegetables with no added sugar. It's naturally sweet and delicious, and it's so healthy. They juice the fruits and vegetables right in front of you. There's also a flower shop, a pharmacy, and even a homemade praline shop. The only thing this place doesn't have is milk, which is weird. I'm sure other fresh markets have milk, though. They even have cheese in the meat unit - all different kinds of cheddar. Delicious. :)

If you are not convinced, check out the list of good reasons to buy your food at fresh markets below. But for extra background information, you should definitely check out my "Dodger Logic #16" note that I talked about in the first sentence of this note. Ok here's the list:
1. They are cheaper! The myth is that they are more expensive, but that's not true. I don't know how that rumor got started.
2. Their food comes from farms, so the food is always fresh, local, and in season. Buying local and in-season food is an economy booster, which we all know we need right now...
3. Their food is healthier! It doesn't have to be sent from one country to another, because it is local, so it doesn't need to be pumped full of chemicals and preservatives in order to stay fresh for later consumption. Since it's local, it's naturally fresh. Also, the chickens from the farms where fresh markets get their meat are not pumped full of hormones. They are grown naturally, which is, of course, healthier. Your daughter won't have a C cup by the time she's 10 years old. XD
4. Fresh markets get their meat from farms, not mass meat production industries. If you know anything about me, you know I'm against mass meat production industries, especially Tyson. They are bad for the environment, animals, and workers. They emit all kinds of harmful gases into the atmosphere, they are abusive to animals during their lives and deaths, and they are abusive towards their employees. For specific accounts of these events, and for more details, again I refer you to my "Dodger Logic #16" note. The point is, farms don't cater to the mass meat production industry. They don't release harmful fumes into the atmosphere. Also, they don't have a reputation of being abusive towards their employees, especially since farms usually don't have employees; they usually are family-owned. Also, they are raise their animals on their farms, just like animals are supposed to be raised. They feed their animals the food that animals are supposed to eat, like grass. Since the animals are on a farm, they are allowed to move around as they please and eat the natural food around them, like they are supposed to. Also, like I mentioned above, the animals aren't pumped full of hormones, like in meat industries. They are grown naturally. They have good lives, and they are killed humanely. All of this is the most important part about fresh markets, in my view. Check 'em out! They're worth it.

Anyway, even if you're not interested in all the benefits that fresh markets have to offer, you should still check out one in your area. They're fun to go to, and I always feel good when I leave. And why not try one out? You have nothing to lose and a ton to gain!

Ok, I always like comic relief, and I've recommended this video before, but check it out! It's called Grocery Store Wars. Here's the link:

This is the Municipal Market (Sweet Auburn Market) in Downtown Atlanta.

Mass meat production industry...Stay away! Look at all that pollution.

This is a map of the Georgia State University campus in Downtown Atlanta. Number 35 is the University Lofts Dorms. Coca Cola Place is where the Municipal Market is, by the Hughes Spalding Children's Hospital.

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