Thursday, May 16, 2013

#4: Dimensions

Some people believe in multiple dimensions. The idea is that we can live in one dimension, while another event is happening in another dimension, and possibly the two dimensions may overlap each other. We, living in the third dimension, can only see 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional objects. If there were a 4th dimension, 5th dimension, 6th dimension, and so on, then we probably would not be able to see them, because our minds can only see 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional objects. Therefore, if these dimensions existed, they could potentially overlap the 3rd dimension - our dimension.

Thinking on this further, maybe ghosts truly do not exist. What if the beings that we think are ghosts are actually beings that live in another dimension that is on top of our own? What if sometimes our dimension gets crossed with another one, and something in another dimension causes something in our own dimension to happen? Bare in mind that this idea came from a book I read my senior year of high school. It's called Slaughterhouse Five. The example in the book was: Say a pen drops off of a table top, but there was no reason for the movement of that pen. It just, all of a sudden, with no applied force, dropped. If someone flings his/her arm in another dimension, and our dimension and his/her dimension somehow get crossed, then is it safe to say that maybe that person's arm in another dimension caused that pen to drop in our dimension? That would explain why things do, all of a sudden, happen sometimes. That would explain why some people believe in ghosts. They've seen things that are unexplained and have heard things that seem like they can't exist, when actually, they may be onto something.

Maybe another form of life does exist along with us. Are they ghosts? Are they other beings from another dimension? Are they aliens from another galaxy? Are they time travelers? (As I've explained in "Dodger Logic#3.") You may say this is an absolutely impossible and totally insane idea. But if you really think about it, we've heard all kinds of theories in the past. In the beginning, we thought the people who theorized them were lunatics. We thought they were nuts for even suggesting the idea of something outside of our own knowledge. But from what we've proven, I think it's safe to say there are a lot of possibilities that we never could have imagined in this world. They may sound crazy, but really...who knows? So I'm just throwing out ideas for the sake of curiosity, in hopes that you guys are entertained by them.

If you can follow it, this diagrams the idea of dimensions. We're in the third dimension, so diagram #3 should be very familiar. It's the same idea with bigger dimensions, but it's a bit more complicated.

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