Wednesday, May 15, 2013

#2: Evolution vs. Creationism

No matter what the common belief, Charles Darwin’s theory of Evolution and the Christian standpoint of Creationism can potentially be combined. I can't identify myself with any particular religion, nor do I care to. But I can tell you that I believe there's something bigger out there. However, I also think logically, from a scientific standpoint. If you believe in God, then you can combine both common theories in a logical sense. The Bible poses a very unrealistic theory of how life began, but this is only true if you take the Bible literally. Since many stories of the Bible are obviously unrealistic, and since I believe, if God does exist, that he is far more intelligent and creative than the god that most Christians glorify, I do not take the Bible literally. Personally, I don't really like to use the Bible as a reference at all, since humans wrote it - humans that are no different (and for that matter, no better) than you or me. But that's not the point. If you happen to believe in the Bible, then take this into account: The Bible was meant for humans to take morals from it, rather than for humans to believe everything word-for-word. Isn’t that what is most important in all of the stories parents tell their children? Aren’t we always supposed to take morals from the stories we hear, and apply them to our daily lives, in order to better ourselves and others? Well, Bible stories follow the same concept. Therefore, when the Bible says “So God created man in his own image” (Genesis 1:27,) that doesn't mean he “poofed” man into existence. What they mean by that is that God began life, but he began life through evolution. Again, I don't identify myself with the Christian faith, or any faith at all. But if you are a Christian, at least now you can see how you can combine your beliefs with science/evolution. We can not take the Bible literally, and we can not dismiss science. Evolution is a scientific accepted theory, which means it is a fact, as far as we can possibly know. It's been proven just as much as our common knowledge that the earth is round has been proven. All the evidence matches up perfectly, so it would be naive to throw out the accepted theory of evolution completely. But it's just as naive to suggest that there's nothing bigger than humans somewhere out there. So if you believe God exists, and that he's what started it all, then you can believe he started evolution. As a very intelligent college student from Columbus State University once said, “Religion explains why, while science explains how” (Zachary I. Edwards.) And as a very famous scientist once said, “Science without religion is lame; religion without science is blind” (Albert Einstein.) In short, science and religion can go hand in hand if you believe in God. We don't have to have one without the other. The answer is: Evolution and Creationism can coexist, if you believe in science and Christianity.

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