Wednesday, May 22, 2013

#20: Those Damn Mexicans

Immigration: Should it be regulated as heavily as it is now? If you've read my past notes, then you know I'm all about population control. But you may have also noticed that I don't mean we should control the population of people we already have here on earth; I think we should control the number of unnecessary babies we bring into the world. (Please don't assume that, by "we," I mean the government, because that is the farthest from what I'm saying. I mean we, as individuals.) I'm also for the rights of everyone, not just Americans, because picking and choosing who gets benefits and who gets the boot is wrong, because all men truly are created equal. So I'm all for people picking up and leaving their countries to move to mine for a better life, if that's what they want and feel is best for them and their families. But here's the deal: How much do we control our borders? Because we have to have some kind of control.

We have to make sure that we don't overpopulate the country to the point that everyone is uncomfortable and there aren't enough jobs for everyone, etc. Then again, the more people, the more jobs. (Or, at least, that's the way things are supposed to go.) But as we've seen in our current situation, that's not how things are going right now, at least. But it's a legitimate theory. But the point is, we can't let ourselves get way too overpopulated for the good of the whole. Also, I'm not too fond of letting in convicted serial killers who are running from the law of their own countries, and of course, there's the trouble with illegal immigrants getting governmental benefits that the actual American citizens pay for, which isn't cool either. So how far do we go in controlling immigration to the United States?

Maybe we could stand to limit the number of immigrants that we allow into the U.S. a little less. Maybe we could let as many people in as we can, because they deserve to move here if they want to work hard and contribute well in our societies, and above all, if they want to be with their families here in the U.S. Of course we have to take into consideration that we can't just let anyone in, such as convicts and excess numbers of people. But there are two sides to this, so everyone should definitely realize that it's hard to get into the U.S. for protection reasons, and even though some of those protection reasons may be overkill, it's all for the sake of our safety. However, the government could stand to let up being the overprotective parents that it tends to be all the time, so that we can add to our melting pot of cultures and and hard-working people that call our country home today. I feel like, if we made it easier for people to get Green Cards, then we wouldn't have so much trouble with illegal aliens being in our country. People outside of America look at the obtaining of a Green Card as being impossible, so they feel like their only hope of living here is to come here illegally. We should make it more possible for immigrants to come here legally so that they don't get discouraged and come here illegally. But, of course, we need to make sure immigrants who come here are coming to work and contribute to society and the economy, not just to suck up our welfare benefits and other benefits.

And just to throw in my last little bit that I always have to include in about half my notes: Instead of focusing on controlling the population of people who are already alive and wanting to move to our country, we should control the number of unnecessary babies that are born in this world, so we can save the planet, make everyone more comfortable, make life more managable for the whole, and make room for other people who are already alive and need a home. And by "unnecessary babies," I mean babies born to mothers who don't want kids, babies born to 14-year-old mothers (who are babies themselves,) babies who are born to parents who abuse them, etc. I don't mean that babies, in general, are unnecessary - just to clarify.

This is a lovely photo. This is what America should be about.

 I think this one's the funniest.

Apparently, the first sign actually exists.

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